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Brianna Hildebrand Coat

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This jacket is one of the most detailed coat in our collection as it tried to imitate one of the most difficult and detailed costume of the Hollywood industry. This coat was appeared in the movie Deadpool in which Brianna Hildebrand put this on to play a character of Negasonic Teenage. She was looking very strong as the coat is very intimidating for the others. It will automatically put you in a leading position. This Deadpool costume is very special and has the features that will highlight you easily in any outside event. You will be recognized as the true Deadpool fan and will be remembered for long. Nothing is more prominent than this wonderful and exciting coat. Brianna Hildebrand was looking gorgeous and portraying a strong personality that many of you wants. The coat is wonderfully designed and each stitch represents a sign of durability and style. The protective pads on the shoulders are just amongst its prominent features. Big lapel style collar is given on front to make it more lavish and stylish. You can easily show off by wearing this superb coat in the public.


You can wear this coat in the outside events as it is very warm and cozy. Along with that the Deal pool association make this coat very special.


  • Material: Premium Leather quality
  • Big lapel Style collar on front
  • Shoulder pads extended to elbows
  • Half frontal zipper
  • Waist belt
  • Pointed shoulders
  • High quality inner lining


You should keep this coat out of sun as it will fade the color if exposed too much.

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How many days does Ultimate Apparels deliver jackets to the USA, CANADA, Australia, UK & Rest of the World?

It takes around 7 to 9 working days after receiving payment.

How can I select the perfect size?

You can easily navigate to the top bar and click on "SIZE CHART". On this page, you will see our size chart and we proceed exactly on our size chart measurements. Please check with Caution and select your desired size. If you want additional room for innerwear like Hoodie or Jumper please leave us a message we will do it for you.

What about the Quality of Ultimate Apparels?

We use a premium grade of all fabrics that are mentioned on our website. We deal in Top notch leather, Faux Leather, Cotton, Wool, flannel, and shearling fur.

If I don't like your product or exchange size?

Customer's likes and dislikes is something that we are upgrading and improving every single day. We have more than 3000 products online and we deliver worldwide so if somehow customer doesn't like it he/she can easily return it within 40 days of purchase. The item must be kept in its original condition and labels aren't removed.

Custom Sizes are available?
Yes, we do offer custom sizes on all products. Most of the time is free and customers can easily place custom orders and email us his/her measurements and we will proceed exactly as per his/her measurements.

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