Q. Why should be bought from Ultimate Apparels?
Ans. Ultimate Apparels is well known online store which offers a vast variety of quality products all over the world. It has made a remarkable number of valued customers in some time, having own warehouses in four countries (Romania, USA, UK and Australia).
Q. How can a customized order be placed?
Ans. In order to place a customize order, Buyer has to select the custom size option from the size menu send his/her measurement in “ADD COMMENTS ABOUT YOUR ORDER” section on checkout page or the details can be send on info@ultimateapparels.com
Q. How much time does it take to receive the order on buyer’s address?
It mostly takes about 6 to 9 working days for tailor made products. However, if the required order is customized or not available in stock, it may takes 9 to 11 working days. The reason of taking this time is to make sure the quality and perfection we claimed.
Q. How much is Ultimate Apparel Secured?
Ans. Ultimate Apparel is 100 % Secure, We store the elementary information (Name, address, email, Contact Number, post code) required for the shipment or future communication while the financial information is not stored by us. The information of our customers are strictly kept with us, we don’t provide it to any other intuition or organization.
Q. How can the order be exchanged or returned, if it doesn’t fit?
Ans. Ultimate Apparel offers the top of the quality without any doubt. In some cases when order is placed wrong by the customer, we gives an option to exchange the product (no wear and tear will be entertained). Our customer Support representative will be available on +1 (518) 639-2227.
The free shipment deals and the customized orders will not be entertained who want to return or exchange the product. They will be redeemed after the deduction of Shipment cost.
Q. How a right size can be ordered without any inconveniency?
Simply, visit our Size chart page and select a size in respect of your measurement but still if you are confused you can talk to our representative by emailing us at info@ultimateapparels.com OR If you think you do not fits in our describe measurements you can go for the custom size option with additional charges of $19 to $30 depends on the product.
Q .Is there any distinguish between faux leather and real leather?
Ans. Yes. Real leather is made from 100% Animal skin while Faux is manmade (Artificial) Leather, which is comparatively cheaper and lighter than real leather. Real leather jackets are heavier and good for winter seasons as compare to the faux leather jacket that are used for less colder weather.
Q. How can be applied for Coupon Codes?
Ans. Click on the checkout Button, which will direct you to checkout page. Apply “coupon option” on the page, write the code and click on the button; the grand total offer will be applied automatically.
Q. If the product doesn’t satisfy me, can I get my full refund?
Ans. Yes. Off course! We offer 30 days refund policy, and assure you to refund your amount anytime within deadline period.